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Equip your students to succeed in life!

Equip your students with the soft skills and opportunities to succeed beyond the classroom! Explore entrepreneurship and get internships!

Our Partners

The Problem

Helping students with academics leaves limited time for SEL

Insufficient Professional Development

SEL needs are beyond the scope of our abilities

Emphasis on standardized tests leave limited time for SEL

Insufficient Curriculum materials

and resources

An EdWeek Research Center survey in 2022 of teachers showed that the most common reasons for not teaching students skills were the reasons listed on this graph. 

The Edge can solve these challenges. From providing lesson plans and content to the professional development of educators to empower them to deliver high-quality SEL training. 

The Edge being one of the only self-learning SEL platforms takes the pressure off educators to know and prepare SEL material and assess student growth and progress.

The Edge is a Customizable Solution

Curriculum too full?

You can use the Edge as a full self-paced learning tool and set minimum completion targets.

The Edge has resources and content to facilitate and test skill acquisition.

Level 1 Intervention - Low Effort

Is SEL key to your school?

The Edge has detailed lesson plans for each of its 115 skill modules. 

We also have lesson plans to facilitate a world-class entrepreneurship and internship prep program. 

Want individual intervention?

School counsellors can use the various student tool kits on The Edge to create Personal Development Plans. 

We also have challenges that teachers can facilitate.

Level 3 Intervention - High Effort

Reach out to schedule a demo today and see how The Edge is right for your school

Level 2 Intervention - Medium Effort

For every dollar invested in SEL there is an $11 return.

- Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis

  • Challenges - Where they can apply what they've learned in the real world and reflect on the experience.

  • CRM Project tracker - where they can record all of their extracurricular activities and projects. This will aid them when they're applying to colleges.

  • Skills transcript - A single document to showcase all the efforts into personal growth beyond the classroom. 

The Pedagogy

Understand your students better

Understand more about your students and various class groups through data collected on The Edge.  You can see:

  • Baseline assessment scores - The individual and collective strengths and weaknesses across all skills. 

  • Assessment grades - Reports from the situational judgement tests for all skill modules.

  • Student survey data and their existing beliefs regarding all skill modules.

Give Your School a Competitive Edge Today!

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